Clinical Blogs — vitamin b5
Methylation- A Key to Detox
detox liver care methylation nutrients vitamin vitamin b12 vitamin b3 vitamin b5
Detox has been one of the hot health topics these days. Liver is a critical organ in detoxifying various different types of toxins that we inhaled and ingested every day. There are 2 phases of the detox pathway in which methylation is a main pathway involving in phase 2 of the whole process. Our liver uses methylation to convert toxins into water soluble substances to facilitate the excretion of toxins. Folate, methionine, vitamin B12, and B6, betaine are the methyl-donor nutrients.Food sources of methyl- donor: citrus fruits, green leaf vegetables (e.g. arugula, brussels sprouts, broccoli), fish, and eggs. Today’s stressful...
Vitamin B complex injection alternative… for metabolism and more
vitamin vitamin b complex vitamin b12 vitamin b5
Every now and then, I receive phone calls from clients asking for vitamin B complex injection. It has not been available for awhile and what would be the optimal alternative? Let’s first look at what does vitamin B do in our body. B complex consists of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. B1 (thiamine) helps to strengthen immune system and helps our body withstand stress. B2 (riboflavin) protects body cells from oxidative damage and helps to maintain healthy mucous membrane (e.g. lining of the mouth) B3 (niacin) is needed in repairing DNA, energy production, and steroid...